When a Well-Meaning Believer Thinks They Know Better Than God

2 Chronicles 26:16-23

Pastor Fred Schurman

We look at the account of King Uzziah’s sinful pride and death to learn that even when people have good intentions, if they act against God's instructions and the true teaching of the Bible, God will warn and discipline them.

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When a Well-Meaning Believer Thinks They Know Better Than God
byPastor Fred Schurman

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  1. Do not forget that you are a steward of what God provides behind the scenes

  2. Do not ignore the people whom God sends to warn you

    • God's warnings either crush our pride our invoke our wrath

  3. Remember that God's discipline may be immediate or slow in coming

  4. Know that God may allow the discipline to remain to keep us in His Word and warn others

  5. Keep Christ before your eyes of faith