What Does Counting the Cost of Your Discipleship Look Like?

Philemon 1:1, 10-21

Pastor Fred Schurman

Counting the cost of your discipleship looks like using your Christian freedom to proclaim the good news to others, to glorify God by showing forgiveness, by paying the debt of others, and by being confident in God's grace.

What Does Counting the Cost of Your Discipleship Look Like?
byPastor Fred Schurman

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  1. Use your Christian freedom to free others -- especially from slavery to sin, death, and the devil -- by proclaiming the good news of the one who saved them (Jesus Christ).

  2. Use your Christian freedom to glorify God by showing to others the forgiveness that has been given to you.

  3. Use your Christian freedom to pay the debt of others because you know that your debt has been paid in full.

  4. Be confident in God's work of grace, knowing it is all-powerful because God himself is all-powerful

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