The Angel Candle

Hebrews 1:14

Pastor Fred Schurman

The fourth candle on the Advent wreath which we light is the Angel candle. God sent angels to deliver the messages of Jesus' birth, and they will take part in delivering the message of Jesus' return. We know their messages are from God because angels appearing in all their glory is a miracle in and of itself.

The Angel Candle
byPastor Fred Schurman

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  1. They provided the special announcement that the LORD was incarnate

  2. They will be part of the special announcement that the LORD has returned

  3. Yet, God still sends sinners like you and I to proclaim the good news of our Savior

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This Sermon is part of the 2020 Series "The Advent Candles"

For the 2020 Advent season we are focusing on one of the oldest Advent traditions: the lighting of the Advent candles as we look forward to the birth of our savior. We look at the prophecies given in the Old Testament about the coming savior, and we see how they were all fulfilled.