Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer?Isaiah 52:13Sunday, February 26th, 2023This is the first sermon from the 2023 Lent series "Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer?" Using just one verse of Isaiah's prophecy about the LORD's servant, Pastor Schurman provides an overview of Jesus' life, suffering, death, and resurrection, and how it was all for us.
Christ Has Commissioned You with His KeysJohn 20:21-23Sunday, April 11th, 2021Jesus gave the binding and loosing keys to the church after his resurrection when he appeared to the disciples and other believers. We use the binding key (the Law) when someone is embracing a sin to show them they are damned to Hell and need a savior, and we use the loosing key (the Gospel) when they repent to forgive them of that sin and tell them Jesus is their savior.
The Shepherds' CandleLuke 2:8-20Thursday, December 17th, 2020The third candle on the Advent wreath which we light is the Shepherds' candle because God first gave the good news of our savior's birth to shepherds. We see the significance in that because Jesus is the shepherd of all Christians, and because the shepherds were average people who would effectively spread the good news to others.
How Can We Be as Sharp-Witted as Snakes and as Pure as Doves?Matthew 10:16-23Sunday, November 1st, 2020Jesus instructed the disciples to be as "shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves" when he was sending them into the world, and still today this applies to Christians everywhere. We look at Martin Luther during the Reformation and the apostles for guidance and examples to help us be on guard and witness to others.
You Are God's WatchmanEzekiel 33:7-11Sunday, September 20th, 2020As members of the priesthood of all believers, we are not necessarily called to be prophets like Ezekiel. However, we are called to be on the watch for our friends, family members, and neighbors and to warn them when they are in spiritual danger.
Jesus' Glory Comforts and Encourages UsMatthew 17:1-9Sunday, February 26th, 2017Jesus' glory comforts and encourages us with His deity, with many witnesses, with the Father's approval, and with the resurrection.