How Can I Be Kind, Merciful, Loving, and Forgiving?Genesis 45:3-15Sunday, February 20th, 2022Despite everything Joseph had been through between the time he had been sold into slavery by his own brothers and when he met with them again many years later, Joseph was not angry or vengeful toward them. Instead, through faith he recognized that God had sent him on that path for their benefit and his own. So, like Joseph, we too should trust in God's plan for us and for those around us, even when it seems we may have been wronged by them.
Give Thanks to the LORD of all CreationPsalm 24:1-4Thursday, November 25th, 2021This Thanksgiving we are reminded that God created the Earth and everything in it for us, but everything we have belongs to him. On our own we are unholy and without Christ's blood cleansing us, we would be destroyed when we stand before God. So it is out of thanks that we make offerings of the time, talents, and treasures that God has given to us.
What Should You Do When Someone Asks a Question That Uses the Bible Against Itself?Mark 10:2-16Sunday, October 10th, 2021
The Hidden God Uses Hardship to Change Your Perspective on LifeJob 7:1-7Sunday, February 7th, 2021God often puts hardship in our lives, and, just like Job, we often can't help but wonder why. As Christians we must remember that God works all things for our good. One such way he does this is by using hardships to help us remember that our lives in this sinful world are temporary, and that we will spend eternity with God in Heaven.
The Messiah Has Been Anointed to Bring Good NewsIsaiah 61:1-3, 10-11Sunday, December 13th, 2020Using the prophet Isaiah God tells us how great the new of our savior's coming is. Just like the Israelite facing the persecution from and slavery to the Babylonians, we can face our struggles and afflictions in peace because we have that good news of our salvation through Jesus. We also see how this news still applies today even in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
How Can You Bear Injustice?1 Peter 2:18-25Sunday, May 3rd, 2020The Apostle Peter's message to slaves, encouraging them to submit to their masters, teaches us how and why we are to bear the injustices that come into our lives.
Only the Truth Sets You FreeJohn 8:31-36Sunday, November 3rd, 2019Only the truth sets you free, and that truth is found in the Word of God. God used Martin Luther to put it into the language of the common people, so they would not be enslaved but would know the truth about God and their salvation.
God Took on Our Flesh and BloodHebrews 2:10-18Sunday, December 30th, 2018God took on our flesh and blood to make us His brothers, to free us from the slavery of death, and to help us through temptations by being there with us as our brother.
The Law Reveals Your True SlaveryExodus 20:1-17Sunday, March 4th, 2018The law shows us our slavery to false gods, slavery that is forced labor, and slavery to despise our neighbor.