Scripture Is the Sole, Inerrant Authority for Our Faith and Our Works2 Peter 1:19-2:3Sunday, June 11th, 2023
Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer? (#5)Isaiah 53:6-7Thursday, March 23rd, 2023This is the fifth sermon from the 2023 Lent series "Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer?" Pastor Schurman explains that we all continually wander off the path God intended for us, but Jesus willingly sacrificed himself to atone for our sins and make us His children.
Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer?Isaiah 52:13Sunday, February 26th, 2023This is the first sermon from the 2023 Lent series "Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer?" Using just one verse of Isaiah's prophecy about the LORD's servant, Pastor Schurman provides an overview of Jesus' life, suffering, death, and resurrection, and how it was all for us.
How Could God's "Chosen People" Be Like Sheep Without a Shepherd?Mark 6:30-34Sunday, July 25th, 2021Jesus had compassion on the crowds of people who followed him and his disciples when they were trying to rest. Even though the people were primarily Jewish and considered themselves to be God's "chosen people," they were like sheep without a shepherd, and Jesus had compassion on them.
You Are Jesus' Little LambJohn 10:11-18Sunday, April 25th, 2021We may not like to admit it, but we are powerless to save ourselves from an eternity in Hell. So we rejoice knowing that Jesus is the Good Shepherd who protects us from the Devil, like a shepherd protects his sheep from wolves.
The Shepherds' CandleLuke 2:8-20Thursday, December 17th, 2020The third candle on the Advent wreath which we light is the Shepherds' candle because God first gave the good news of our savior's birth to shepherds. We see the significance in that because Jesus is the shepherd of all Christians, and because the shepherds were average people who would effectively spread the good news to others.
How Can You Bear Injustice?1 Peter 2:18-25Sunday, May 3rd, 2020The Apostle Peter's message to slaves, encouraging them to submit to their masters, teaches us how and why we are to bear the injustices that come into our lives.