Faith Is Obedience to GodJohn 3:14-21Sunday, March 14th, 2021Jesus used the object lesson of Moses and the bronze serpent to teach Nicodemus that faith is obedience to God. Three years later after Jesus' death on the cross, Nicodemus clung in faith to Jesus as his savior.
Crosses Are for Torturing to DeathMark 8:31-38Sunday, February 28th, 2021Jesus explained that he would die on the cross and then rise again, but Peter did not understand and initially rejected what Jesus said. Jesus rebuked Peter and then told his followers to take up their crosses and follow him. That message applies to us today, but if, like Peter, we don't understand the crosses in our lives, we may reject them.
How Do You Offer Your Bodies as a Living Sacrifice?Romans 12:1-8Sunday, September 13th, 2020We know from scriptures that the sacrifices given in the times of the Old Testament did not live; the animals were killed either just before or during the sacrifice. So how can we offer our bodies and our lives as sacrifices to God and still remain alive?
How Does This Commandment Apply to Us Today?Exodus 20:8-11Sunday, July 19th, 2020When Martin Luther wrote his explanation for the Third Commandment ("Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy") he explained: "We should fear and love God so that we do not despise preaching nor His Word, but gladly hear, learn, and obey it."
How Can You Boldly Confess Christ?Matthew 10:24-33Sunday, July 5th, 2020Even today we may face opposition or persecution when proclaiming your faith in Jesus, but we should not let that stop us because God is control; He is working to both keep us in His salvation and to help us spread His message.
How Do You Let Your Light Shine?Matthew 5:13-20Sunday, February 9th, 2020You let your light shine by knowing your righteousness, which is Christ's righteousness that has been given to you. You show people they are unrighteous but have been offered free salvation from Jesus Christ. You know your good works and know you don't do them to save yourself but because you love God the Father and they bring glory to Him.
The LORD is God for All EternityLuke 20:27-38Sunday, November 17th, 2019How can we say the visible church -- which is made up of believers -- will be triumphant, even though it faces so many challenges, both from within the church and from outside the church?
What Do You Think about Praising God?Psalm 146Sunday, October 20th, 2019We rejoice in praising God for all eternity because we have been given something so wonderful we cannot even fully imagine or comprehend it.