How Do We Serve the LORD Without Blemish?Joshua 24:1-2a,14-18Sunday, August 29th, 2021Without God's intervention we would most certainly serve false gods and idols. This is because our sinful nature causes us to not fear and love God above all things. However, when we struggle against our sinful nature and trust in Jesus for forgiveness and salvation, we are serving God.
Christ has Already Won the VictoryHebrews 10:11-18Sunday, November 15th, 2015Christ's enemies have been defeated and will be utterly humiliated, and Christ's victory places you in his invisible church. (This sermon was preached on a Sunday known as "Saints Triumphant." By the term "saints" we mean all believers who trust in Jesus for salvation. On Judgment day all believers will shine with Christ's undeniable victory.)
How do You Know God Loves You and You are a Christian?1 John 1:1-2:2Sunday, April 19th, 2015You believe the message that Jesus is true God and true man, who has died and risen for you because the Holy Spirit produces fruits of faith in your heart. You know that you are sinner and saint, and you know that Jesus is the means of forgiveness for not only your own sins, but for the whole world.