How Do We Serve the LORD Without Blemish?Joshua 24:1-2a,14-18Sunday, August 29th, 2021Without God's intervention we would most certainly serve false gods and idols. This is because our sinful nature causes us to not fear and love God above all things. However, when we struggle against our sinful nature and trust in Jesus for forgiveness and salvation, we are serving God.
What Should We Do When God Does Not Do What We Think He Should Do?1 Kings 19:3-8Sunday, August 15th, 2021Even when trying to do God's work, like sharing the Gospel with our friends and neighbors, we can find ourselves wondering why God did not cause it to work out the way we thought was right. We look at the prophet Elijah's experience when he became frustrated after his efforts in Israel appeared to be failing for guidance with our own endeavors.
How Do You Have Christ's Joy?John 17:11-19Sunday, May 16th, 2021Living the life of a Christian is not always joyous. In fact for some, like most of the disciples, there are times when it can be miserable. Yet in his "High Priestly Prayer" before his arrest, Jesus prayed for God the Father to give us his joy.
How Do You Glorify God?John 17:1-11Sunday, May 24th, 2020Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer teaches us how we glorify God: know that Jesus is true God who became true man in order to save us.
Praise the LORD for the CoronavirusPsalm 66Sunday, May 17th, 2020We apply Psalm 66 (entitled "How Awesome Are Your Deeds!") to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic in order to remind ourselves that God is in control, working all things for our benefit.
Be at Peace, the LORD Hears Your PrayersPsalm 116Sunday, March 29th, 2020Be confident that the LORD hears your prayers because He loves you and made (and already kept) a promise to save you. Embrace God's Word and share the good news with others out of love and thankfulness.
It is Amazing Grace that God Communicates with UsGenesis 18:20-32Sunday, August 18th, 2019It is amazing grace that God answers and hears our prayers: He talks to us, and we get to be in his presence. We can petition Him (even over and over again), and He answers our prayers according to what is best for us.