Christ Has Commissioned You with His KeysJohn 20:21-23Sunday, April 11th, 2021Jesus gave the binding and loosing keys to the church after his resurrection when he appeared to the disciples and other believers. We use the binding key (the Law) when someone is embracing a sin to show them they are damned to Hell and need a savior, and we use the loosing key (the Gospel) when they repent to forgive them of that sin and tell them Jesus is their savior.
Seen in Christ's Act of Repelling His CaptorsJohn 18:3-12Thursday, February 18th, 2021Jesus repelled his captors in the garden with just the words "I am he," giving us a glimpse of his divine power and glory. In this sermon we learn the importance of this act and how it applies to us and Christians everywhere.
How Does Christ Rule as King?1 Corinthians 15:20-28Sunday, November 22nd, 2020Before he was crucified, Jesus was mocked and ridiculed, and even today people around the world mock and ridicule both him and his teachings. Because of all of that, it may be hard to see him as a king, let alone the king of all creation. Through the first epistle to the Corinthians, however, we see how and where he is ruling today, and we know how and where he will rule on the Last Day.
See the Threefold Kingdom of ChristPsalm 24Sunday, March 25th, 2018As Jesus enters Jerusalem we see His kingdom of power (his rule over all creation), His kingdom of grace (the invisible church), and the eternal kingdom -- the kingdom of His glory.
God has Built into our Faith the Very Things He Expects from that FaithLuke 17:1-10Sunday, October 2nd, 2016Faith is not your power, but it is God's power at work in you; God expects His work to show through your faith.
See the Authority of the Word of GodMark 1:21-28Sunday, February 1st, 2015It is God's promise and power to you. God uses you to share that promise. It has all of God's power.