The Glory of the LORD is Revealed... Like a Devouring FireExodus 24:15-18Thursday, December 9th, 2021
Are You Being Christian During These Tumultuous Times?James 4:7-12Sunday, October 3rd, 2021It is easy to see the world right now as tumultuous, given the many problems people are facing locally, nationally, and even globally. However, as Christians we know that Jesus promised we would bear crosses in our lives, and those crosses are often tests to show us where our faith is strong and where our faith is weak.
What Should We Do When God Does Not Do What We Think He Should Do?1 Kings 19:3-8Sunday, August 15th, 2021Even when trying to do God's work, like sharing the Gospel with our friends and neighbors, we can find ourselves wondering why God did not cause it to work out the way we thought was right. We look at the prophet Elijah's experience when he became frustrated after his efforts in Israel appeared to be failing for guidance with our own endeavors.
How Do You Offer Your Bodies as a Living Sacrifice?Romans 12:1-8Sunday, September 13th, 2020We know from scriptures that the sacrifices given in the times of the Old Testament did not live; the animals were killed either just before or during the sacrifice. So how can we offer our bodies and our lives as sacrifices to God and still remain alive?
How is Paul an Example of Your Conversion?Acts 9:1-19Sunday, May 5th, 2019All of us, like Saul before he became the apostle Paul, were an enemy living in a delusion, and the LORD had to reveal himself to break that delusion. The LORD has used and continues to use crosses to discipline and chasten us. The LORD sent a weak human being with the Means of Grace, and He used that Means of Grace to heal us (by giving us our new man). Finally, the LORD gives us the commission to tell others what God has done.