If You Are So Great Then Why Are They Questioning You?John 18:12-14,19-21; Luke 22:66-71Thursday, February 29th, 2024Herod (before he was king) once stood before the Sanhedrin and secured a not guilty verdict by a show of force and by having the right connections. Why didn't Jesus use his Godly power and authority to overcome those corrupt leaders and avoid being crucified, especially since he was innocent?
Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer? (#7)Isaiah 53:9Saturday, April 8th, 2023This is the seventh sermon from the 2023 Lent series "Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer?" Pastor Schurman explains that Jesus died a painful death intended for criminals, suffering the punishment we deserve for our sins, so that we can have eternal life through faith in him.
Christ Overcomes Death for Us by Taking Its Blow for UsMatthew 27:15-17,20-26Saturday, April 16th, 2022