Does Mercy or Our Own Selfish Desire Triumph Among Us As We Deal With COVID-19?James 2:10-13Sunday, September 19th, 2021Pastor Schurman applies the "law of freedom" and the fact that "mercy triumphs over judgment" to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and how we as Christians should deal with it in our congregations and communities.
How Do You Let Your Light Shine?Matthew 5:13-20Sunday, February 9th, 2020You let your light shine by knowing your righteousness, which is Christ's righteousness that has been given to you. You show people they are unrighteous but have been offered free salvation from Jesus Christ. You know your good works and know you don't do them to save yourself but because you love God the Father and they bring glory to Him.
You are Alive Together with ChristEphesians 2:4-10Sunday, March 11th, 2018We are alive together with Christ by grace -- which is God's gift -- with the authority to rule over our sinful nature in order to do good works.