True Glory in God’s Kingdom is ServingMark 9:30-37Sunday, September 23rd, 2018The savior serves by bearing our sins, and because He has won us, we serve the body He won to His glory according to what He considers grace.
Are You a Theologian of Glory or a Theologian of the Cross?Mark 8:27-35Sunday, September 16th, 2018Who do you say Jesus is? A good man, somebody who had the word of God who made it possible for you to be saved, or the savior who saved you? And how do you view the cross, both Christ's cross and the crosses he allows in your life? Are they something that aren't glorious to you, or do you see God's glory through them?
See the Threefold Kingdom of ChristPsalm 24Sunday, March 25th, 2018As Jesus enters Jerusalem we see His kingdom of power (his rule over all creation), His kingdom of grace (the invisible church), and the eternal kingdom -- the kingdom of His glory.
Christmas Focuses on the Start through the FinishTitus 2:11-14Sunday, December 25th, 2016The start is Christ's incarnation for all mankind, the middle is our lives in Him, the end is Christ's return and His kingdom of glory.
Jesus Reveals His GloryJohn 2:1-11Sunday, January 17th, 2016A blessing to His bride; so that we put our trust in Him.
Christ has Put You in His Kingdom and So We Serve in His KingdomMark 9:38-50Sunday, October 4th, 2015We are not to serve as lords over one another because all work in God's kingdom is glorious We are warned about self glorification and forfeiting God's kingdom.
Don't Miss the Glory and the GraceJohn 20:1-18Sunday, April 5th, 2015Don't miss the glory and the grace with mistaken sadness, uncertain wonder, or un-recognizing eyes.
A Glimpse of Jesus' Hidden GloryMark 2:1-9Thursday, August 7th, 2014We are given a glimpse of Jesus' hidden glory to show that He fulfills the Scriptures, to show the Father's seal of approval, and to comfort and encourage.