Does Mercy or Our Own Selfish Desire Triumph Among Us As We Deal With COVID-19?James 2:10-13Sunday, September 19th, 2021Pastor Schurman applies the "law of freedom" and the fact that "mercy triumphs over judgment" to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and how we as Christians should deal with it in our congregations and communities.
How Can God Be Working Through Such Corrupt Leaders?Psalm 82Sunday, July 4th, 2021In the United States of America we celebrate our many freedoms, especially today on July 4. But as grateful as we are for those freedoms, we often see corruption in our government and leaders. This corruption and concern is nothing new, as we find out from Psalm 82, which tells us that God still holds them accountable and reminds us that He is working through our government and leaders for our eternal benefit.
How Do You Walk the Thin Line Between Rejecting the Gospel and Rejecting the Law?Mark 2:23-28Sunday, June 6th, 2021
Which Is More Glorious: A Passing Glory or an Abounding Glory?2 Corinthians 3:6-11Sunday, February 14th, 2021
Only the Truth Sets You FreeJohn 8:31-36Sunday, November 3rd, 2019Only the truth sets you free, and that truth is found in the Word of God. God used Martin Luther to put it into the language of the common people, so they would not be enslaved but would know the truth about God and their salvation.
What Does Counting the Cost of Your Discipleship Look Like?Philemon 1:1, 10-21Sunday, September 29th, 2019Counting the cost of your discipleship looks like using your Christian freedom to proclaim the good news to others, to glorify God by showing forgiveness, by paying the debt of others, and by being confident in God's grace.
Why Would You Serve Christ?Colossians 1:21-29Sunday, August 11th, 2019You have been given the faith that set you free, you have been given the hidden key to freedom (God's Word), and even though the power is not yours, you have been given the only power that frees.
What Does Christian Freedom Look Like?Galatians 5:1, 13-25Sunday, July 21st, 2019Freedom is service; we are free to serve for no selfish reason at all because we have been served by Christ. Freedom is struggle; struggle against the sinful nature, struggle against the yoke of the law, and struggle to be on the lookup for the snares of temptation. But freedom also means we can grow fruits of faith through our new man who is connected to Christ.