Give Thanks to the LORD of all CreationPsalm 24:1-4Thursday, November 25th, 2021This Thanksgiving we are reminded that God created the Earth and everything in it for us, but everything we have belongs to him. On our own we are unholy and without Christ's blood cleansing us, we would be destroyed when we stand before God. So it is out of thanks that we make offerings of the time, talents, and treasures that God has given to us.
What Should We Do When God Does Not Do What We Think He Should Do?1 Kings 19:3-8Sunday, August 15th, 2021Even when trying to do God's work, like sharing the Gospel with our friends and neighbors, we can find ourselves wondering why God did not cause it to work out the way we thought was right. We look at the prophet Elijah's experience when he became frustrated after his efforts in Israel appeared to be failing for guidance with our own endeavors.
LORD, Doesn't It Bother You That We Are Perishing?Mark 4:35-41Sunday, June 27th, 2021Like the disciples on the boat during the storm, we can often wonder if Jesus cares about the problems in our lives, with our friends, and even in our communities and countries. The truth is he cares so much that he lived and died for us, and as true God he is all knowing and all powerful, ruling over everything for our good.
Why Were Some of Those Working Against Christ Saved and Others Damned?Mark 3:20-35Sunday, June 13th, 2021When reading through the Bible, it may seem like God is sometimes playing favorites with those who are saved and those who are not, especially those people who at times worked against Christ. However, through several parables Jesus explains the key differences between those people, and we see how it applies to us today.
How Does God Still Say to His Enemies: "Just Who Do You Think You Are?"Isaiah 52:1-6Sunday, November 15th, 2020Christians today are often persecuted or ridiculed, and it may seem like God is not paying attention. However, God is still in control, and he still keeps his enemies in line and uses them for our benefit. We look to God's use of the prophet Isaiah and the Babylonians before, during, and after they conquered Jerusalem to see this in action.
How Can You Boldly Confess Christ?Matthew 10:24-33Sunday, July 5th, 2020Even today we may face opposition or persecution when proclaiming your faith in Jesus, but we should not let that stop us because God is control; He is working to both keep us in His salvation and to help us spread His message.