Why Is Jesus Christ Among the Seven Gold Lampstands?Revelation 1:4-6,9-20Sunday, September 10th, 2023Jesus is ruling over this world for the Christian church, past and present, regardless of how much the Devil and this world persecute believers.
Why Did the Rich Man Go to Hell and How Can You Prevent the Same for Your Family and Friends?Luke 16:19-31Sunday, October 16th, 2022When Jesus told of the rich man and poor Lazarus, he didn't state exactly why the rich man went to Hell, leading some people to make incorrect assumptions and guesses about it. However, the reason is very clearly implied in Jesus' words, and we can learn from it and apply it to our own lives and circumstances.
When the Kingdom of God Comes to You, How Do You Avoid Rejecting It?Luke 4:38-44Sunday, January 30th, 2022
Does Mercy or Our Own Selfish Desire Triumph Among Us As We Deal With COVID-19?James 2:10-13Sunday, September 19th, 2021Pastor Schurman applies the "law of freedom" and the fact that "mercy triumphs over judgment" to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and how we as Christians should deal with it in our congregations and communities.