Don't You Fear God?Luke 23:39-43Thursday, April 2nd, 2020The Holy Spirit uses the mockery and insults directed at Jesus to convert one of the criminals being hung with Jesus, showing us one of the Ironies of the Passion.
How to Avoid the Faithlessness that Destroyed IsraelHebrews 3:1-6Sunday, October 14th, 2018We can avoid the faithlessness that destroyed Israel by concentrating on and confessing Christ, by not letting a servant in the house have the place of the head, and by holding fast by faith to the confession of Christ.
God Works the Fruits in Us that Prepare for Our LORD's ComingRomans 15:4-13Sunday, December 4th, 2016He works unity among his flock, He works our confessions of praise, rejoicing, and hope, and He makes us overflow with joy, peace, and hope.
The Rest God's Word Gives to YouHebrews 4:9-15Sunday, October 25th, 2015Rest from spiritual and physical labors; Rest we hurry to busy ourselves in; Rest won by the High Priest that we confess.