Why Is Jesus Christ Among the Seven Gold Lampstands?Revelation 1:4-6,9-20Sunday, September 10th, 2023Jesus is ruling over this world for the Christian church, past and present, regardless of how much the Devil and this world persecute believers.
You Are Jesus' Little LambJohn 10:11-18Sunday, April 25th, 2021We may not like to admit it, but we are powerless to save ourselves from an eternity in Hell. So we rejoice knowing that Jesus is the Good Shepherd who protects us from the Devil, like a shepherd protects his sheep from wolves.
The Messiah Has Been Anointed to Bring Good NewsIsaiah 61:1-3, 10-11Sunday, December 13th, 2020Using the prophet Isaiah God tells us how great the new of our savior's coming is. Just like the Israelite facing the persecution from and slavery to the Babylonians, we can face our struggles and afflictions in peace because we have that good news of our salvation through Jesus. We also see how this news still applies today even in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
You Have Great News of Wonderful ComfortIsaiah 40:1-11Sunday, December 6th, 2020Through the prophet Isaiah God explained his plan to bring salvation to the world, and we find comfort in knowing that prophecy was fulfilled in Christ Jesus. Furthermore, we should spread this comfort to both our fellow Christians and the rest of the world by sharing the good news of forgiveness and salvation.
An Empty Tomb Receives VisitorsMatthew 28:1-10Sunday, April 12th, 2020Jesus rose from the dead, just as he said he would, and his empty tomb shows us one of the Ironies of the Passion.