Why Is Jesus Christ Among the Seven Gold Lampstands?Revelation 1:4-6,9-20Sunday, September 10th, 2023Jesus is ruling over this world for the Christian church, past and present, regardless of how much the Devil and this world persecute believers.
How Does the LORD Give Life to What Has Been Dead a Long Time?Ezekiel 37:1-14Sunday, March 26th, 2023
When the Kingdom of God Comes to You, How Do You Avoid Rejecting It?Luke 4:38-44Sunday, January 30th, 2022
The Glory of the LORD is Revealed... Like a Devouring FireExodus 24:15-18Thursday, December 9th, 2021
When a Well-Meaning Believer Thinks They Know Better Than God2 Chronicles 26:16-23Sunday, October 24th, 2021We look at the account of King Uzziah’s sinful pride and death to learn that even when people have good intentions, if they act against God's instructions and the true teaching of the Bible, God will warn and discipline them.
LORD, Doesn't It Bother You That We Are Perishing?Mark 4:35-41Sunday, June 27th, 2021Like the disciples on the boat during the storm, we can often wonder if Jesus cares about the problems in our lives, with our friends, and even in our communities and countries. The truth is he cares so much that he lived and died for us, and as true God he is all knowing and all powerful, ruling over everything for our good.
How Does Christ's Kingdom Grow?Mark 4:26-34Sunday, June 20th, 2021Jesus used parables of scattering seeds, plants growing, and harvesting crops to describe the kingdom of God. From those parables we understand that Christ's kingdom, which is God's rule in our hearts, and the invisible church, which is made up of all believers, grow through people proclaiming the Word of God. When everyone has come to faith according to God's plan, Christ will return to "harvest" the souls of all believers. We also see that the entire world, including unbelievers, benefit from the works of the invisible church.
Why the Commotion and the Seemingly Elusive Answer?John 2:13-22Sunday, March 7th, 2021Jesus' words and actions from when he first cleansed the temple are often misunderstood. It may seem like he was being excessive, or that he was being elusive when answering those who questioned him. However, we should use this account to remind ourselves that God is serious about sin and will not have the church distracted from his saving purpose. We should also remember that the true temple is the invisible church of all believers.