How do We Get People into the LORD’s Livewell?Luke 5:1-11Sunday, February 10th, 2019We do what Jesus did when He proclaimed the Word of God, we follow Jesus’ instructions, and we know it is God’s power at work.
In Christ All That Was Foretold of the Messiah Has Been FulfilledLuke 4:14-21Sunday, January 27th, 2019Christ was anointed with the Holy Spirit. He brought good news to the poor. He has preached release to the captives. He has restored the sight of the blind. He has proclaimed the Jubilee Year of the LORD.
God Uses Marriage to Reveal the Glory of His ChurchIsaiah 62:1-5Sunday, January 20th, 2019In marriage we see that just as the bride is adorned with beauty, receives a new name, is taken by the hand, is no longer single, and is pure and doted over, so too are we treated in His church (the church of all believers).
David’s Anointing Helps Us Understand Christ’s Anointing and Our Own1 Samuel 16:1-13Sunday, January 13th, 2019
Throughout this New Year Trust in Your FoundationMatthew 7:24-27Tuesday, January 1st, 2019Throughout this New Year be sure to trust in Christ, who is your foundation. Whether you did or did not see the storm coming, remember to trust in Christ. And when the storms are over, look back at how Christ kept you anchored on Him; it will fill you with thanks and praise and give you a stronger trust in Him.
God Took on Our Flesh and BloodHebrews 2:10-18Sunday, December 30th, 2018God took on our flesh and blood to make us His brothers, to free us from the slavery of death, and to help us through temptations by being there with us as our brother.
Advent is the Coming of Christ’s Death and ResurrectionHebrews 10:5-10Sunday, December 23rd, 2018Christ's sacrifice abolishes all of the sin offerings established in the Old Testament, and His sacrifice has also sanctified you once for all time.
The Advent of our KingLuke 21:25-36Sunday, December 2nd, 2018The Advent of our King is not shaking like a leaf on a tree, but rejoicing in the budding of spring. The things which terrify unbelievers are signs for believers that Christ is coming. There will be terrors right up to the end, but the Word remains forever. Most will sulk over this dying world, but believers watch for our King.
Christ is the King of All CreationDaniel 7:13-14Sunday, November 25th, 2018We see that Christ is the king of all creation because He is true God and true man who has purchased and won you. Therefore -- since all rule has been given to Him -- He's ruled over all creation to bring you to and keep you in the faith because all true worship is given to him. We find comfort because His kingdom will never be destroyed; it will only be made glorious and visible on the last day.
The Secret to Being ContentPhilippians 4:11-13Thursday, November 22nd, 2018What is the secret to being content in any and every situation? It's knowing your savior and knowing that you have eternal life. It's knowing that He will provide according to what is best for you, and He will use you according to what is best for your neighbor.