LORD, I Offer Myself to You

Psalm 51:10-12

Pastor Kieth Kuschel

Why do these verses sound so familiar? Because in the Common Service liturgy we sing them "Create in me..." We sing that right after the sermon. After we have heard God talk to us through His Word, we respond by saying, "LORD, I want to thank You for all that You have done for me. Here is my life as a thank-You offering. I want you to have it. I want to serve You with it." Anybody remember what the "Create in me..." was called in the 1941 hymnal? The offertory.

But we have a problem. Although our sins have been removed from God's ledger book, washed away in the blood of Christ, our sinfulness still clings to us. We continue to break God's laws. Although Jesus' holiness covers us and makes us acceptable to God, we don't perfectly put that holiness into practice in our lives. So, here we are. We want to give our lives to the LORD, but we aren't capable of doing it on our own. We need the LORD's help to do it.

So, we pray: "{11} LORD, do not cast me from Your presence. Don't cut me off from You. I know that's what I deserve when I break Your law. So, I need Your help to give my life to You, to live it Your way. I wouldn't be able to do that if You cut me off from Your presence."

And then we ask the LORD for the help we need. "{10} LORD, create in me a pure heart." Why do we ask for that first if we are looking for help to give our lives back to the LORD? Everything comes from our hearts. Unless our hearts want what the LORD wants, even if our actions outwardly are doing what God wants, we won't really be giving our lives to the LORD, even though it might look like it.

Jesus internalized every commandment. Having no other gods means loving God. Setting time aside for worship means eagerly studying the Word. Obeying parents means wanting to honor them. Anger is murder. Wanting to have sex with somebody other than your marriage partner is adultery. Greed is stealing. Revenge is the same as hurting someone. Coveting is taking.

How are we going to avoid temptation so that we can give our lives back to the LORD? We aren't. The devil, the society around us, and our own selfishness are constantly trying to get us to abandon God, fail to study the Word, disobey authority, commit sexual immorality, take what isn't ours, and verbally abuse others.

How are we going to conquer temptation so that we can give our lives back to the LORD? Only when our desires match up with His. Only when we want what God wants. And the only way that is going to happen is if the LORD makes our hearts pure. So, we pray, "LORD, I want to give myself to You. Help me do that. Make my heart pure."

"LORD, I want to thank You for all that You have done for me. Here is my life as a thank-You offering. I want you to have it. I want to serve You with it." Why do we say that? Because Jesus took our guilt on Himself and rescued us from a "Guilty" verdict from the LORD our Judge. Because Jesus suffered the death and hell we deserve because of our sins to rescue us from it. Because Jesus covered us with His holiness so we can be part of God's family.

"LORD, I want to thank You for all that You have done for me. Here is my life as a thank-You offering. I want you to have it." Why do we say that? Because the Holy Spirit has led us to trust in Jesus our Savior & lives in our hearts so that we lean on Jesus for everything we need.

But we have a problem. Other reasons for doing what we are doing in life arise. We do things to make us look good & to make others look bad. We do what we want to do because we have a limited amount of time. We would rather look out for ourselves, gratify ourselves, lavish resources on ourselves instead of loving others and giving glory to God.

How are we going to avoid the temptation to focus on ourselves? We aren't. The devil and the people around us are constantly trying to reinforce the rightness of our own selfishness.

How are we going to conquer the temptation to focus on ourselves? Only when the Holy Spirit focuses our attention on what God has done for us. Only when the Holy Spirit focuses our attention on the forgiveness, righteousness and eternal life that God has given us because of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus will we have real joy in our lives. So, we pray with David, {11} "Do not take Your Holy Spirit from me . {12} Restore to me the joy of Your salvation. Then I will be able to offer myself to You, O LORD."

How does the Holy Spirit come into our lives and work in them? Through the Word and the Lord's Supper. That means that the Holy Spirit will only be able to bring us the ongoing joy of our salvation as we use the Bible and the Supper. So, when we say, "Lord, don't take Your Holy Spirit from me," we are saying, "LORD, I promise to use Your Word and Your Supper," so that the Holy Spirit won't be taken away from me." "LORD, I want to give myself to You. Help me do that. Don't take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation."

"LORD, I want to thank You for all that You have done for me. Here is my life as a thank-You offering. I want you to have it. I want to serve You with it." We say that after we have listened to God talk to us and remind us of all the blessings which He has given us. We are all fired up to serve the LORD.

There is another problem. Serving the LORD is long term. Doing something long term wears us down or wears us out. I'm tired of fighting off the desire to do what I want instead of what the LORD wants. Enough already. I just talked to God recently. I don't feel like talking to Him again. I just read the Bible recently. I don't need to hear the Word preached again. I have always respected my teacher, but he deserves ridicule for this one. I have helped my neighbor out of messes too often. Enough already. It's really easy to take my marriage partner for granted after 22 years. I gave the LORD 10% of my income for 10 years. Enough already.

How are we going to avoid the temptation to be short term instead of long term? We aren't. The longer the LORD allows us to live in a sinful world, the more strength we need to continue.

How are we going to conquer the temptation to be short term instead of long term? The LORD is the only One who can give us a steadfast spirit to hang in there. The LORD alone is the One who can give us a willing spirit. The LORD is the only One who can sustain us. So, we pray with David, "Lord, I want to give myself to You. Help me do that. {10} Renew a steadfast within me. {12} Grant me a willing spirit to sustain me."

Prayer: "LORD, I want to thank You for all that You have done for me. Here is my life as a thank-You offering. I want You to have it. I want to serve You with it. Please create in me a pure heart. Don't cast me from Your presence. Don't take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation. Renew a steadfast spirit within me. Grant me a willing spirit to sustain me."

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