Listen to Your Savior

Luke 9:28-36

Pastor Fred Schurman

Listen to your savior when you don’t see His glory, when you do see His glory, and when you want to cling to His glory

Listen to Your Savior
byPastor Fred Schurman

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Three disciples were given a brief glimpse of the glory of Jesus' deity, and the Father tells them to listen to His son. This reminds us to listen to the word of God when we do not see his glory because God's glory is not what the world is looking for, but it is seen in His grace and loving kindness. When we do have moments where we see His glory, we must still listen to the Word, so that we receive the proper encouragement from seeing His glory. Finally, when we want to cling to His glory, we may be sinfully clinging to it -- instead of sharing it -- so we listen again to His Word.

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