God Uses Marriage to Reveal the Glory of His Church
Isaiah 62:1-5 •
Pastor Fred Schurman
In marriage we see that just as the bride is adorned with beauty, receives a new name, is taken by the hand, is no longer single, and is pure and doted over, so too are we treated in His church (the church of all believers).
byPastor Fred Schurman
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Just as a bride is adorned with beauty, God has adorned you with salvation and righteousness. Just as a bride receives a new name, you are a new Christian (in other words you belong to Christ). Just as a bride is taken by the hand, God has created you to save you, and He keeps you in His hands so that you are not snatched away from that salvation. Just as a bride is no longer single, you are united to Christ in a mystical, wonderful way. And just as the bride is pure and doted over, God has made you pure through His church, and he does over you as His church.
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