God Tests Us to Strengthen Our Faith

Genesis 22:1-18

Pastor Fred Schurman

When God told Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, it was not for God's knowledge or benefit, but for Abraham's. While the tests and hardships we encounter may not be as intense as Abraham's, we know that God uses them for our good to strengthen our faith and demonstrate to us just how strong our faith is.

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God Tests Us to Strengthen Our Faith
byPastor Fred Schurman

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  1. When it seems like he is contradicting his blessings, it is so that we trust there is no contradiction in him.

  2. When we are confronted with difficulty, it is so that we trust he will see to it.

  3. God even sees to it that we can return thanks.

  4. God sees to it that his Word reaffirms our faith.

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