Confessions Proclaimed by Christ's Enemies: The Centurion

Matthew 27:54; Mark 15:39; Luke 23:47

Pastor Fred Schurman

In the eighth sermon from 2019 Lent series Confessions Proclaimed by Christ's Enemies, we examine the words of the centurion and the guards: "Truly this was the Son of God."

Confessions Proclaimed by Christ's Enemies: The Centurion
byPastor Fred Schurman

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Truly this was the Son of God.

  1. They were confessing fear, like the fear we have when we examine our own sins, but it turns to reverent awe thanks to Christ.

  2. They were confessing righteousness, just as we confess that Jesus is both righteous and that he is our righteousness.

  3. They were confessing his deity, and we know he is the God-man, which is why he was able and did save us.

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