Are You a Theologian of Glory or a Theologian of the Cross?

Mark 8:27-35

Pastor Fred Schurman

Who do you say Jesus is? A good man, somebody who had the word of God who made it possible for you to be saved, or the savior who saved you? And how do you view the cross, both Christ's cross and the crosses he allows in your life? Are they something that aren't glorious to you, or do you see God's glory through them?

Are You a Theologian of Glory or a Theologian of the Cross?
byPastor Fred Schurman

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To the world salvation comes by our making some kind of contribution. However, Jesus is the only one that saves us. He saved us by the cross, which in the world’s eyes is foolishness and weakness. The world wants a Savior that removes all difficulties, while our Savior promises he will use hardships in our lives to serve our eternal well-being.

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